Anna Marly – Luanda Paroles et musique d'Anna Marly ________________
Entre les nuages et l'eau qui scintille
Une terre rousse s'étale en un long ruban
Fait danser les nègres et chanter les filles
Et remplit le ciel si bleu de pigeons blancs
Lua Lua Luanda (x4)
Les navigateurs y ont porté, fidèles
Le vin pétillant et les joyeux refrains
Et ils ont rempli de bandes d'hirondelles
Pour faire comme chez eux dans le ciel ibérien
Lua Lua Luanda (x4)
Si un jour vous êtes triste et romantique
Prenez un bateau qui vous emmènera
Vers la côte ancienne de la chaude Afrique
Dans ce coin perdu qui s'appelle Luanda !
Lua Lua Luanda (x4)
Entre les nuages et l'eau qui scintille
Une terre rousse s'étale en un long ruban
Fait danser les nègres et chanter les filles
Et remplit le ciel si bleu de pigeons blancs
Lua Lua Luanda
Far away, in Africa,
There is an enchanting city.
It’s called Luanda, Luanda.
See how easy it is to pronounce, and to sing it.
It lies on a peninsula over the ocean;
formed into parks and gardens, flowers, tropical trees.
Some beaches are of rock and do dominate the ocean from a marvelous height.
Some beaches are plain and filled with a fine sand.
It’s in Angola, a Portuguese Dominion.
It has the best museum of African native literature and art.
And it has a lot of very interesting things.
I think I can tell you a little anecdote that I tell that happened to me there.
I once went to swim at an isolated little beach; it was so marvelous.
The water was warm, the sun was shining, and I was swimming very near
the sand.
When I came back in my boarding house, they said, “Where have you been?”
I say, “I was swimming in the center of the isolated pool.”
“It’s full of sharks,” they told me.
Oh, this is the one, I think.
There’s something good, something not so good;
And this is the song.
Now. I’m waiting for you and we are all good singing?